How can we not be enchanted by the elegance of this bag with refined and precious lines that combine practicality and fashion in a single item, particularly essential and necessary for young modern mothers.
Beautiful pajamas/tutina model Caricia Rapife
Virgi changing bag Dili Best for young mom who wants a touch of elegance
Spray 30 spray solar milk Chicco, with very high protection, nourishes the skin, protecting it from the sun's rays (UVA and UVB). No perfume, no alcohol, no dyes. Spray dispenser, easy and practical to apply.
Soft winter jacket in warm velodoux Noukie's
The puppet Reindeer is, the newborn's first friend. Soft and delicate as a tender embrace, it is ideal precisely in the primi mesi of life: it keeps the child company infusing a pleasant sense of protection and serenity.